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Introduction from Incoming PSC Alumni President

a portrait photo of Sabrina Cave smiling at the camera


I am excited to serve as president of the West Virginia University Potomac State College Alumni Association Board of Directors. When I was asked to be more involved with the alumni board a few years ago, I did not realize that I would end up in this role representing the amazing alumni of Potomac State!

We all came to Potomac State College for different reasons. For me, it was the opportunity to take college level classes my senior year at Hampshire High School in Romney, W.Va. Dedicated PSC professors traveled to the high school to teach history and English. In addition to learning how passionate Jack Reynolds was about history and Rebecca Wilkins was about English, I learned that they truly cared about students and wanted us to be successful. I knew then how special Potomac State College was to this community and the state.

After high school, I attended West Virginia University’s main campus in Morgantown. While there I was actively involved in Student Life and graduated with my Bachelor of Science degree. I accepted a graduate assistantship and stayed at WVU Morgantown, earning my Master of Science degree as well.

After graduate school, I found myself back at Potomac State College, only this time as a full-time admissions counselor. I loved that job! I talked with high school students and their families about the amazing opportunities that PSC has to offer, led tours of the campus, and shared how caring our faculty and staff are about students. I was there for two years before moving back to Morgantown to work at WVU.

Fast forward twenty years! Potomac State College has once again called me home, but in a new role, as the alumni board president. My goal is to engage with more alumni and challenge you to give back to Potomac State College.

Share your time by serving on the Alumni Association Board of Directors or by being a mentor to a current PSC student through our alumni mentoring program! Donate to the college so that more scholarship dollars are available for current and future Catamounts! Come back to campus for Homecoming and other events. Interact with, and like our Potomac State College Alumni Association Facebook page.

I look forward to meeting you! If you have ideas, questions, or concerns, please email me at

Let’s Go Catamounts!

Sabrina Cave