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  • Former PSC Professor William H. Gallier leaves planned gift to College

Former PSC Professor William H. Gallier leaves planned gift to College

a black and white portrait photograph

Future students and faculty at West Virginia University Potomac State College will benefit from a former faculty member’s planned gift worth more than $95,000 to benefit the History Department.

William H. ‘Bill’ Gallier established the namesake endowment which will provide funding for activities that support and enhance the History Department for faculty and students. Funding has been designated to the William H. Gallier History Scholarship, faculty travel, professional development and instructional support, student field trips, campus events, and more.

Prior to earning his master’s degree at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Gallier attended Davidson College and the University of Pennsylvania. He taught history at several universities and colleges, including Columbia University and Potomac State College. He was honored for 25 years of service to Potomac State College in 1988.

“I am grateful to Professor Gallier for leaving such a substantial endowment for the History Department that will benefit students and faculty for generations to come," History Professor Cassandra Pritts said.

Gallier’s interest in history went beyond the classrooms. He spent three summers in Africa teaching history to native children and accumulated an extensive library containing more than 1,000 volumes, covering the history of the U.S. and other countries. He was especially interested in the Hindu religion and culture.  

“This remarkable gift serves as a testament to the College and as a powerful reminder of the impact of faculty, whose generosity in and outside of the classroom opens doors for students, empowering them to reach new heights as they pursue their dreams,” Megan Webb, director of development at the College, said.

The Gallier gift was made through the WVU Foundation, the nonprofit organization that receives and administers private donations on behalf of the University and its affiliates.

For more information regarding how to donate to WVU Potomac State College, please reach out to Webb at