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It's the Season of Giving

a collage of students involved in various activities.  A woman throwing colored powder, two students in a lab setting, a man shooting a basketball, and two women posing for a graduation photo

Did you know that there are almost 90 different funds to choose from when donating to WVU Potomac State College? You are no doubt going to find something that aligns with your interests or passions to support.

This is a great time of year to extend your support. You can give financially:

  • In memory or honor of someone special as a holiday present.
  • To benefit during tax season, which is just around the New Year’s corner. Giving to WVU Potomac State College can be a tax deduction.
  •  … or give for both reasons or any other reason that is personal to you!

Remember — no amount is too small.

The list below includes, but is not limited to, the different funding areas that require financial support at WVU Potomac State College:

  • Student Scholarships: There are many different scholarship funds from which to choose.
  • Athletic Programs: Choose from an overall athletic fund or your favorite sport.
  • Mary F. Shipper Library
  • PSC Alumni Association: Support scholarships issued by the PSC Alumni Association and/or student activity funds.
  • Theatre & Arts Programs
  • Faculty Development
  • Special Projects to include infrastructure upgrades
  •  … and much more!

Go online to give to the area of your choice or you can give to the WVU Potomac State College Unrestricted Fund and allow us to choose the area of greatest current need. You can even start your own fundraising project online for WVU Potomac State College. Learn more here.

If you have questions or need other assistance? Contact Megan Webb, PSC Director of Development, at or 304-788-7085 . Thank you, as always, for your generosity now and always!