Charles I. "Skip" and Nancy J. Homan Scholarship

a photograph of Skip and Nancy Homan standing beside Vicki Huffman and Paul Kreider, facing the camera

Skip Homan and his wife, Nancy (l to r), recently donated an additional planned gift to the Charles I. "Skip" and Nancy J. Homan Scholarship at WVU Potomac State College. The scholarship focuses on STEM related areas, with first preference going to students majoring in civil engineering. PSC Professor Vicki Huffman and Interim Campus President Paul Kreider (right) are also pictured.

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Potomac State College Theatre to hold auditions for 2025 musical production, “Anastasia”

a logo for Anastasia, with a stylized 'A' above the name Anastasia, on a purple, smokey background

West Virginia University Potomac State College Theatre will hold auditions (by appointment only) for the 2025 musical production, “Anastasia,” on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 10 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.  Show dates are March 14-23, 2025, with up to two shows for area schools during the week of March 17. Please note, in addition to performance dates, performers must be available from March 8-13 for mandatory rehearsals.

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Concert Will Help Local Radio Station Build Community

a logo for the mountain streams radio WKYW and information about it written next to it

Mountain Streams Radio, Keyser’s community radio station, will receive a portion of the proceeds from an upcoming concert of homegrown music, presented by West Virginia University Potomac State College. The Mountain Streams Music Celebration is set for Saturday, October 26, at 7:30 p.m., in the Church-McKee Arts Center. Performers include Hampshire County old-time musician and teacher, Dakota Karper; Buffalo Run, an eclectic band that includes singer/songwriter Rob Smith and Keyser native Bob Shank; Critton Hollow, a popular West Virginia-based trio, celebrating fifty years of performing together; and the WVU Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Ensemble.

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Four WVU Potomac State College students receive alumni scholarships

The West Virginia University Potomac State College Alumni Association awarded two John Philip Spoerl Scholarships this past spring. Spoerl, class of 1963, created a perpetual trust as part of his estate which funds scholarships for students enrolled in business administration at the College. The most recent recipients are Addison Cross and Marissa House.

Cross is a business technology major from Ridgeley, W.Va. House is from Fort Ashby, W.Va. and is also a business technology major. House is involved in the Bible study group, Young Life, and is also working with Energy Express this summer.

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