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The Rev. Dr. Alexa Smith is Berkeley Springs Presbyterian Church interim pastor

Reprinted with permission from The Martinsburg Journal
Originally printed May 17, 2021

The Rev. Dr. Alexa Smith is Berkeley Springs Presbyterian Church interim pastor

BERKELEY SPRINGS — The Berkeley Springs Presbyterian Church has called a former church journalist and Presbyterian Hunger Program staffer as its interim pastor. The Rev. Dr. Alexa Smith grew up in the region, in a small town near Frostburg, Maryland.

“I'm very grateful to be back home,” Smith said. “And Berkeley Springs and this congregation are very welcoming places.”

She served as staff for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in Louisville, Kentucky, specializing in global issues. During that time, she covered conflicts in Israel/Palestine, Columbia, Northern Ireland, and other parts of the world for Presbyterian outlets and ecumenical publications.

Smith also served small congregations in rural Indiana and taught preaching as adjunct faculty at the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. She has a doctor of ministry degree in marriage and family therapy.

She staffed networks of Presbyterians working on global hunger issues and was a Presbyterian educator/organizer on both national and international campaigns as part of the PHP.

She graduated from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Potomac State College and West Virginia University.